Frequently asked questions
Can't find what you are looking for? Please contact us.
It is NOT required to have an account to place an order. However, we recommend having one, as the accounts holders are subjects to special offers, sales and loyalty programs.
We accept Credit Card/Debit Card and PayPal payments . Let us know if you had any problems on placing an order using a specific payment method.
The delivery time frame depends on the delivery method you have chosen at checkout, however, you may receive your items much earlier or sometimes it can be slightly delayed, depending on the shipping address. Packages may be faced with delays beyond our control such as customs or postal delays.
The shipping cost of our products vary according to the type, location and shipping method you selected. You can view the shipping fees on each product page and at checkout. However, depending on your country regulation and product, you might be charged customs taxes.
1. What is 3-D Secure?
3-D Secure is an XML-based protocol designed to be an additional security layer for online credit and debit card transaction with the intention of improving the security of Internet payments.
When the cardholder makes a purchase with a participating merchant, a pop-up appears demanding that the cardholder activate the card by entering a password and personal information.
2. What do you need to do as a cardholder?
If 3-D Secure is required, you will be directed to page of bank to fill in personal information during payment.
Please follow instruction there to complete 3-D secure activation in order to pay for your order.
You will receive an email for any status change of your order, including when the order is being shipped. If the order has a tracking number, you will get it as well in the email with the instructions how to track your order.
The tracking period vary due to many factors: location of the warehouse, your location, nowadays post regulations, so the goods might arrive later than we would like or you would expect. We kindly ask you to give it a little more time, as these times require all of us to have more patience. But if you feel that your order had to arrive and you didn't get it yet, please write to us and we will find the best solution.
We appreciate your feedback no matter how you share it with us:
Usually, you will get an email from us asking for your feedback, and we will be very thankful if you will spend a few minutes to write feedback. This is helpful for other customers as well.